Long Island Basement Waterproofing – Family Owned and Operated

Bowing/Buckling Basement Wall Repair in Long Island

Your Bowing Foundation Wall Experts in Suffolk County & Nassau County

Your home’s foundation supports your home’s walls, windows, doors, and roof. If your foundation walls are bowing and buckling, your whole house is at risk. To fix the problem, you need expert foundation repair; you need ACM.

We have helped thousands of homeowners and businesses across Long Island fix their bowing basement walls using reliable, permanent foundation repair solutions. So, call us today to schedule your free foundation inspection and repair estimate. Let us fix your foundation. 

In the meantime, let’s break down the signs of a bowing foundation wall, what causes the problem, and how we permanently fix your foundation.

Bowing Basement Wall Signs

A bowing basement wall is characterized by a visible bulge or inward curve in the middle of foundation walls caused by external pressure exerted on the outside of the walls. There are several bowing foundation wall signs to watch out for in your Long Island home.

Visible Bulge or Curve: If the bulge is large enough when you stand parallel to the wall, you will visibly see the inward curve. But, if you are lucky enough to catch the initial bulging, you may not see it, but you can likely feel it when you run your hand up and down along the wall, noting the inward curve. 

Horizontal or Cracks:
As the wall begins to bow, cracks will appear. Most commonly, horizontal cracks will form along the middle of the wall. Keep an eye out.

Water Infiltration:
As your foundation weakens and cracks appear, outside moisture can seep in through the cracks making its way into your basement. A damaged foundation and a wet basement can co-occur. If you have basement water along your foundation walls, a bowing foundation may be the culprit. 

Uneven or Sticking Doors and Windows: As the foundation walls bow, pressure is exerted on the surrounding structure, which can cause doors and windows in the basement to become uneven, stick, or have difficulty opening or closing smoothly. If your door is sticking, head down to the basement to see if there are any bowing walls.

Foundation Wall Crack Repair in Long Island

Buckling Foundation Wall Causes

External pressure outside your basement walls causes them to bow. Common causes of external pressure include:

  • Hydrostatic Pressure: When water in the soil around your foundation builds up, it exerts hydrostatic pressure (water expands outward) on your foundation walls, causing them to bow inward. 
  • Expansive Soil: Certain soil types, like clay, have a high water absorption capacity. When these soils become saturated, they expand, exerting significant pressure on the foundation walls, leading to bowing basement walls.
  • Poor Drainage: Inadequate drainage systems or improper grading around the foundation can result in water pooling near the basement walls. The water seeps into the soil, exerting pressure on your basement walls. The prolonged presence of water increases the likelihood of bowing walls.
  • Frost Heave: Freezing and thawing cycles (frost heave) during winters in colder climates like Long Island can cause the soil to expand and contract. The expansion and contraction weaken your foundation over time, causing your foundation walls to weaken and bow slowly.

Bowing Foundation Wall Solutions: Carbon Fiber Straps

ACM uses carbon fiber straps, a reliable, non-invasive solution to bowing foundation walls for properties in Long Island. After installation, the carbon fiber straps strengthen and keep your walls in place, preventing further bowing. Here’s how we install carbon fiber straps on your basement walls.

Step 1. Initial Assessment: One of our foundation repair specialists will visit your home for a free inspection to evaluate the extent of the bowing and how many carbon fiber straps are needed to repair the bowing.

Step 2. Surface Preparation: The affected area of the basement wall is prepared by cleaning the basement wall and removing any loose or deteriorated material. The preparation ensures proper adhesion of the carbon fiber straps to the wall.

Step 3. Epoxy Application: An epoxy adhesive is applied to the prepared wall surface. The adhesive will act as a bonding agent between the carbon fiber straps and the wall, creating a solid connection.

Step 4. Carbon Fiber Strap Installation: Carbon fiber straps, composed of high-strength carbon fibers embedded in a resin matrix, are positioned vertically along the length of the wall. The straps are pressed into the epoxy adhesive, ensuring complete contact and a secure bond.

Epoxy Curing: The epoxy adhesive is left to cure and harden, creating a rigid connection between the carbon fiber straps and the wall. This reinforces the wall and resists further bowing or movement.

Installed carbon fiber straps are a perfect solution for bowing foundation walls. The carbon fiber straps have a high strength-to-weight ratio providing substantial reinforcement without adding bulk to your walls. The straps are also corrosion-resistant and can be covered or painted over.

You get the Long Island foundation repair you need without the eyesores of steel I-beams and foundation tie-backs. Carbon fiber straps are the perfect solution to bowing foundation walls.

ACM Can Fix Your Foundation Wall

While carbon fiber strap installation can fix the bowing foundation walls in your Long Island home, they only provide protection when the straps are expertly installed. Bowing basement wall repair is not a DIY project you should take on. It’s important to contact experienced Long Island foundation repair specialists like ACM.

So, call us today to arrange a complimentary inspection of your basement walls and receive a comprehensive foundation repair estimate. As the trusted foundation experts in Long Island for bowing basement wall foundation repairs, we are here to serve you. Let us solve your bowing foundation wall problems.