Long Island Basement Waterproofing – Family Owned and Operated

Basement Ventilation System Installation in Long Island

Keeping Basements Fresh & Clean in Suffolk County & Nassau County

While a musty basement may seem normal, it shouldn’t. Basement moisture breeds water damage, rot, and mold. Mold especially is a problem. Airborne mold spores can travel through your home, triggering allergies and asthma for you and your family.

To prevent these problems, you need to control the moisture in your basement to create a healthy environment – you need to control the air circulation in your basement.

ACM Basement Waterproofing installs professional basement ventilation systems for homes and businesses in Long Island, controlling air circulation and reducing basement moisture to maintain a healthy home for you and your loved ones. Call us to schedule a free inspection and estimate for basement ventilation system installation.

Understanding Basement Moisture & Mold

Moisture and mold can build up in unkempt basements. But why is that? And does it matter? Let’s take each question in turn.

Understanding the Stack Effect

One of the primary reasons you have basement moisture is the Stack Effect. The stack effect results from thermal differences in your home – higher-temperature air is less dense than cool air.

The less dense, warm air rises, leaving behind a pressure difference, with higher pressures in the attic of your home and low pressures in your basement. 

The low-pressure basement space attracts air, pulling in cool outside air through your basement entryway and windows, filling the low-pressure space. But, this cool air warms as it enters your basement, rising up through your home, leaving a low-pressure difference in the basement, attracting more cool outside air. 

This cycle continues with warm air moving up through your house and cool outside air entering your basement. This cycle is the stack effect. The issue with the stack effect and cool outside air in your basement is the moisture that it brings.

Basement Mold & Moisture Problems

The air from outside is humid (it carries water), and when it comes in contact with your cold basement walls, the water vapor in the air condenses into moisture, forming water droplets on the walls and floors of your basement. 

This basement water can cause rot, mold, and foundation damage. And, even without condensation, moist air can cause damage to appliances, furniture, and other materials in your basement.

In addition, the resulting mold can cause allergic reactions and even be life-threatening in the case of black mold. 

But basement ventilation systems limit the excess moisture in your basement, keeping your basement air clean, breathable, and moisture-free.

The EZ Breathe Ventilation System

To control basement moisture, you need to maintain a neutral pressure level (NPL). A neutral pressure level in your home exists when the pressure in and outside is the same. This neutral pressure eliminates the stack effect cycle, preventing moist, cool outside air inflow into your basement. 

ACM installs the EZ Breathe Ventilation System to achieve a neutral pressure level and improve your home’s air quality through whole home air exchange. The ventilation system expels dirty basement air and introduces existing clean, dry air from upstairs.

The system keeps out the poor outside air and allows your home’s existing heating and air conditioning system to address the basement. The result is a cleaner, healthier living environment for you and your loved ones.

The EZ Breathe Ventilation system is installed along one of your basement walls with a louvered exhaust vent mounted outside your home – like a dryer vent. The system comes with a set-it-and-forget-it panel with fan speed and humidity settings. The installed system replaces the closed-loop system with efficient air circulation.

Air Circulation vs. a Closed Loop System

Most homes have a closed-loop system. In a closed-loop system, the same air is recirculated repeatedly in your home. This recirculation creates contaminant buildup and can produce odors, moisture, and allergens, all of which can be hazardous to your health

EZ Breathe avoids this recirculation with an exchange of air, creating a healthier atmosphere, expelling harmful basement air, and replacing it with healthy upstairs air. The EZ Breathe system:

  • Removes harmful contaminants
  • Controls moisture
  • Heats/Cools to a comfortable level for occupants
  • Brings in fresh air

With an EZ Breathe and basement waterproofing system, your home air is kept clean, and your basement is kept safe from excess humidity and moisture.

Keep Your Basement Moisture & Mold Free

Left to run amok, humid basement air can spell disaster for your home. The EZ Breathe ventilation system protects your basement and home, keeping the air clean and healthy and your basement free of moisture and mold. 

So, let ACM Basement Waterproofing solve your basement moisture problem with expert basement waterproofing and ventilation systems. Schedule your free inspection and estimate by calling us today.